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Trifecta, Inc.

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Since 1962, over 1200 Pemco Masts have been manufactured in the same location.

Pemco Masts have an established reputation in the oilfields of the world of quality, design and workmanship, dependability and ease of operation. 

Pemco mast are operating on all continents except Antarctica.

Pemco masts can be found operating on the following make of rigs.

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Cabot

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Cardwell

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Challenger

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Cooper

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Crane Carrier

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Franks

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Hi-Tech

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Hopper

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) IRI

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Ideco

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Longyear

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Mainland

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Midway

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Moller

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Mountain Rig

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) National

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) RMI

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Skytop

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Taylor

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Titan

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Union Carbide

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Wagner Morehouse

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes)Walker Neer

bd14868_.gif (419 bytes) Wilson



This site was last modified on: July 30, 2003
To contact the webmaster, send e-mail to Leah Braun at lbraun@pemcoequip.com

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